Program Note
Lee Hak-sung, a brilliant mathematician who daringly escaped for academic freedom, lives as a security guard in a prestigious private high school. He comes across Han Ji-woo, an ordinary student admitted due to his socially disadvantaged background, and starts teaching math to him. Choi Min Sik’s fascinating portrayal in the film lies in his depiction of an open-minded adult amid a turbulent life who recognizes and encourages the hidden youthful spirit. The unsmiling face of the stern security guard, who emphasizes the importance of problem-solving skills, the freedom to try again, and the courage to make anything possible, represents the ideal image that many aspire to see in an adult. Despite his flawed personal life, he carries the face of someone who feels responsible, striving to fulfill obligations and show kindness to future generations. Choi Min Sik brings warmth and gentleness throughout the film as he patiently waits and nurtures the performance of young actor Kim Dong-hwi, creating a unique friendship drama. (PARK Got)