Bucheon Choice
International Competition section (Features and Shorts).
Presents innovative, groundbreaking spirit with a unique vision and style in genres.
Korean Fantastic
Korean Competition section. An exclusive spotlight on Korean fantastic films (Feature and shorts).
Mad MaxX
BIFAN's own selection of newest works by masters of world cinema.
Adrenaline Ride
Collection of bona fide contemporary genre titles making your heart race out with films of hardcore horrors and actions.
Metal Noir
Sci-Fi, thriller and dark comedy with chill imagination.
Whimsical, feel-good comedy and fantastic drama warming the audience's heart.
Odd Family
The one & only section which families can enjoy all together with full of joy and delightedness.
Strange Hommage
Retrospective of gemlike genre classics recently discovered and digitally remastered.
Short yet large enough to embrace the world: BIFAN's signature short film collection from all over the world.
Special Programs
Planned long ahead of each year's festival to show its theme and direction in a concentrated way. Consists of new themes, specified genre, remarkable issues...! Stay tuned!