Program Note
William Shatner has been a global cultural icon since starring as Captain Kirk in the original Star Trek from the Sixties. In You Can Call Me Bill, he shares deep thoughts on behind-the-scenes revelations about his iconic roles, and the people he worked with. Even at 92, Shatner continues reinventing himself as an author, pitchman, entertainer, and even as an astronaut.
Master of such bio-documentaries as The Exorcist, Alien, and Psycho, director Alexandre O. Philippe employs an unusual way to tell the lifelong journey of William Shatner this time, using the actor’s extended monologues. His larger-than-life personality is fully displayed, featuring his starring roles, TV appearances, and even commercials. Philippe’s inserts of rare clips and video footage are timely interludes in the actor’s illustrious career, often adding extra details to his generally perceived iconic image. (Jongsuk Thomas NAM)