Bucheon Choice: Shorts 2


Thomas CADOUX|France|2017 |5min |Asian Premiere |15+

Code Time Theater Rate GV
131 7/13  15:00 - 16:27 CGV Bucheon 3 15 GV
243 7/14  13:00 - 14:27 CGV Bucheon 4 15 GV
955 7/21  16:30 - 17:57 CGV Bucheon 7 15
131 7/13  15:00 - 16:27CGV Bucheon 3
15  GV
243 7/14  13:00 - 14:27CGV Bucheon 4
15  GV
955 7/21  16:30 - 17:57CGV Bucheon 7

Unless following Subtitle code is marked, all films will have English subtitles

Notice of No English-Subtitle

Program Note

Live humans used for food walk in through the back door of the restaurant. One of them gets caught trying to escape and cries for help. Isn't there enough unnecessary killing going on in this world already?

Program Note

Naked people get out of trucks and die as helpless as livestock. They are just a number of food ingredients. A young woman in her bare body escapes to the forest, but she can’t escape from her cruel fate easily. The ironic image of human being becoming a lump of meat is no different from genocide. The film is not just about showing off bad taste but satirizes about the blind slaughter of humans and the violence of madness. (JEON Jong-hyuk)


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Thomas Cadoux began his film studies from Luc Besson cinema school which is a profound school, famous for the French cinematographer and movie director of Léon: The Professional (1994) and The Fifth Element (1997). Hunger is his first short-film. His most recent work is New (a)ventura a 15 min-ary based on Tortoz, a French artist.