Family Zone: Features

Code M

Dennis BOTS|Netherlands|2015|97min |Asian Premiere |Color |Fiction |G

Code Time Theater Rate GV
140 7/22  18:00 - 19:37 CGV Bucheon Station 6 G
436 7/25  17:30 - 19:07 CGV Bucheon Station 6 G
140 7/22  18:00 - 19:37CGV Bucheon Station 6
436 7/25  17:30 - 19:07CGV Bucheon Station 6

Unless following Subtitle code is marked, all films will have English subtitles

Notice of No English-Subtitle

Program Note

In the new, thrilling and adventurous family film Code M, In the new, thrilling and adventurous family film Code M, the strong-willed Isabel takes over her ill grandfather’s search for the legendary sword of the world famous musketeer D’Artagnan, against her family’s whes. Following a secret code that leads her and her friends through caves and castles.


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Dennis BOTS

Born in Zambia, 1974, he started his career in television such as Spangas (2007-2008). His feature Cool Kids Don’t Cry (2012) won a Platinum Film Award, a Rembrandt Award and Audience Prize at the Netherlands Film Festival and the Toronto Film Festival for children.