Halloween in July

DAY Program

Blood Battle of the Century

Evil spirits from the underworld have come to destroy BariWorld!
Come kiss your stress and the heat goodbye with a DJ water party and water-gun fight! Become a guardian and protect BariWorld from the spirits who have come to take it over.


July 9 (Sat.) 11:00, 13:00, 15:00, 17:00 (4 times)


Main street in front of Bucheon City Hall (Sohyang-ro)

* You can make a reservation for each T-shirt size at the link below.

sign up(charged)

Guerilla Performance

The sudden appearance and comical performance of the BariWorld characters on the streets of Bucheon. Don¡¯t be too startled if someone suddenly taps you on the shoulder!


July 8(Fri) - July 9(Sat) twice a day (4 performances in total)
