

< 2022 (26th)

Bucheon Choice: Shorts 2

Olga's Eyes


Belgium202322min International Premiere

Program Note

An octogenarian vampire named Olga, suffering from depression, enters a nursing home filled with dying humans at her daughter’s behest. What sets this story apart is that Olga, a grandmotherly vampire, is not depicted as the typical young, beautiful, and alluring vampire found in vampire stories. The fact that she laboriously discovers her own way of feeding is what makes her the protagonist, and it is incredibly captivating. Twisting common clichés to create satire is not as easy as it sounds, which adds to the charm of the narrative. (Kristin JI)



Sarah, a writer and director, grew up in the Middle East and currently works in Brussels. She holds a diploma in movie direction from the IAD and a specialized master's degree in gender studies. Her work explores themes that intersect these two disciplines. Her short films have been showcased at approximately 100 international festivals, earning numerous awards. This year, she will be visiting Bucheon with her fourth short film, Olga's Eyes (2023).