XL 6

Keyboard Warrior

Leo LIU|Taiwan|2022|30min |Asian Premiere |12+

Code Time Theater Rate GV
220 7/8  14:00 - 15:37 CGV Sopung 11 15
636 7/12  20:00 - 21:37 CGV Sopung 8 15 GV
220 7/8  14:00 - 15:37CGV Sopung 11
636 7/12  20:00 - 21:37CGV Sopung 8
15  GV

Unless following Subtitle code is marked, all films will have English subtitles

Notice of No English-Subtitle

Program Note

There are a lot of movies that criticize the world of internet celebrities. However, we can rarely see a film with characters who use social media actively to find true selves, even if it ruins their reputations. The action sequences sensuously directed by Leo Liu are outstanding. Also, the director’s view with tenderness toward the characters is one of the strong points of this film. (LEE Dongyun)


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Born in 1991 and graduated from Taipei National University of the Arts. In 2015, he directed the short film Every Green. His works are characterized by discuss contemporary social issues with satirical comedy.