XL 1

Between the Nights

WOO Jeseung|Korea|2022|30min |World Premiere |15+

Code Time Theater Rate GV
410 7/10  11:00 - 12:36 CGV Sopung 11 15 GV
825 7/14  17:00 - 18:36 CGV Sopung 8 15
410 7/10  11:00 - 12:36CGV Sopung 11
15  GV
825 7/14  17:00 - 18:36CGV Sopung 8

Unless following Subtitle code is marked, all films will have English subtitles

Notice of No English-Subtitle

Program Note

Jisoo can see the souls wandering around this world. Visiting her parents’ house for the first time in a long time to hold a emorial service for Jiseon, her big sister, Jisoo asks her mom to help her talk with Jiseon when her soul visits them. Between the Nights is a unique exorcism film where images of red lines visualizing Western Catholicism, Korean shamanism, and the existence of spirits collide. (IM Soo-yeon)



WOO Jeseung

After studying experimental films in San Francisco, USA, he studied narrative films at the prestigious AFI(Directing).