

Gonzo LLORENTE|Argentina, Mexico|2021|13min |Korean Premiere |12+

Code Time Theater Rate GV
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Unless following Subtitle code is marked, all films will have English subtitles

Notice of No English-Subtitle

Program Note

The pandemic that happened years ago turns the nation into a religious society. Eva, who lives in isolation, finds out she is pregnant. But she has no choice but to rely on the voice machine, her only means of communication with the outside world, and it drives her to despair. With a unique worldview full of mythical symbols and metaphors, Eve is a modern variation of the story of a saint contrasted with the pandemic era. (Gina KANG)


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In 2007 Gonzo Llorente stormed into the Argentinean advertising world and in 2009 was selected as a New Talent by Shots, the global platform dedicated to creativity in the advertising space. Since then he has worked with a wide range of creative directors, ad agencies and brands, positioning himself as an international award-winning filmmaker for the ad industry. During the 2020, Gonzo decided to write a script that could be produced under the strict limitations that COVID-19 brought to everyday life and the film industry in Latin America, consequently EVA was born.