Fantastic Short Films 18

Skin and Mind

PARK Jee-youn|Korea|2018 |11min |International Premiere |G

Code Time Theater Rate GV
347 7/15  20:30 - 21:40 CGV Bucheon 5 15 GV
509 7/17  16:30 - 17:40 CGV Sopoong 2 15
925 7/21  18:00 - 19:10 CGV Sopoong 4 15 GV
347 7/15  20:30 - 21:40CGV Bucheon 5
15  GV
509 7/17  16:30 - 17:40CGV Sopoong 2
925 7/21  18:00 - 19:10CGV Sopoong 4
15  GV

Unless following Subtitle code is marked, all films will have English subtitles

Notice of No English-Subtitle

Program Note

A married couple, Yoon-hee and Seong-gye are bored with each other after getting married. A husband turned into a chicken, unwilling to tell his wife that he loved her. Everyone is changing. And finally, Yoon-hee finds herself changed, too.

Program Note

Basically a sitcom about marital relations, this film explores ‘Husband changes’ via simile, using animals and with kitsch imagination. Diverse animation techniques shine, and this colorful film has an urban feel. Couples having difficulty communicating would surely relate to the film. (CHANG Hyun-sang)



PARK Jee-youn

Born in 1974, Park Jee-youn is working as a production director of painting in the studio ‘Now or Never’. She continues to direct excellent animation works such as Instant Memory (2005) and the Camels (2011).