Terrible Women: Monsters and Villainess

The Woman

Lucky MCKEE|USA|2011 |103min |Color |Feature / Horror |18+

Code Time Theater Rate GV
114 7/14  14:00 - 15:43 CGV Bucheon Station 2 18
615 7/19  14:00 - 15:43 CGV Bucheon 4 (Hyundai U-PLEX) 18
114 7/14  14:00 - 15:43CGV Bucheon Station 2
615 7/19  14:00 - 15:43CGV Bucheon 4 (Hyundai U-PLEX)

Unless following Subtitle code is marked, all films will have English subtitles

Notice of No English-Subtitle

Program Note

Family man and lawyer Christopher Cleek must do what he can to protect his family when he comes into contact with a feral woman living in the woods near his isolated country home. He attempts to civilize the one last remaining barbarian.


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He is one of the most renowned award -winning screenwriters, directors and novelists. Many people at genre film festivals show great interest in his work. He won the Best Director at 2011 Toronto After Dark Film Festival and Best Screenplay at 2011 Sitges Film Festival for The Woman (2011).