Fantastic Short Films 11

Ensemble Episode Series 01&02

TOOWA 2|Japan|2015 |26min |Korean Premiere |Color |Short / Fiction |15+ |No Eng-Subtitle

Code Time Theater Rate GV
101 7/17  11:11 - 12:31 CGV Sopoooong 2 15  NE
511 7/21  17:17 - 18:37 CGV Bucheon 3 15  NE GV
101 7/17  11:11 - 12:31CGV Sopoooong 2
15  NE
511 7/21  17:17 - 18:37CGV Bucheon 3
15  NE  GV

Unless following Subtitle code is marked, all films will have English subtitles

Notice of No English-Subtitle

Program Note

All episodes are about miscommunication. The character's conversation is expressed by timbre of the instrument.




Putting his unique background and funky sensibilities work, that influenced to his film. He is also in high demand as a media artist. He collaborated with respected film/music video director Hiroyuki Nakano on the documentary Spoken Word! and the Evangelion Remix.